Yousef Neji

The art for me is life...
And it circle through every living and solid thing in our world...
The job is an other type of art, to program for me was a feeling of happiness!

I design

I always loved designing website, well I am not the best yet you may rate me well.
For me, I focused basically on the frontend develoment, And I only give a little for the backend.
Maybe because I paint good I just had this artistic view over things! And this passion that push me to fix any little mistakes.

I always count on myself to draw my apps icons and backgrounds.. Kind a have this self-belief!!

I program

Besides Web development since it's mostly designing, I learned python, ruby nodeJs and some arabic programming language which where new at the time I knew them, such as Alif.
I just was interested in any thing new about programming, And trying all the different languages with their different syntaxes!

I write

Writing is real amazing as it allows you to fly a bit out of usual, to figure some point of your personaltiy and discover a lot of new points of views for real.

I started writing since I was 10 years old, and I kept so untill I become 15 years old where my mind started to get lost with a lot of different other stuffs. Then, I had this passion again as I discovered the english language
There I started to talk in english very well, And I take my writing skills a step forward!
And because I was good in painting too, I make this blend of writing and painting to draw my first cartoonic story when I was 13 year old.

I dance, sing and play piano a bit...

Kind of stupid to talk about this stuffs but yeah what ever this is my little protfolio and I am free to write what ever I like!

Things I've Made


The JavaScript library was one of my first published libraries to git hub, real wonderfull shortcut manager for your web app, very easily to use and have couples of different extra functionalities!
Some functionalities :
Interactive mode: you can create/replace/modify and shortcut right from the end user with the interactive mode.
Combo: the library also support creating combo which mostly used for games.
Full control over shortcuts: you can disable or enable a shortcut/combo replace it or changes.
Key checker: an object held by the instantiated quiway objects holds the different keys state for all different uses!


A JavaScript library to parse and render a couple of subtitle files.
Support : able to parse 'srt', 'ssa', 'sbv', 'webvtt', 'usf', 'itt' file formats
Render or display : you can either render the subtitle into a rendering context 2D or directly display it into the DOM
Controllable : you can activate or disactivate, switch or add or remove subtitles from the subtitles list


It's a library that does a simple stack management for major uses! offers those funtionalities like redo and undo and even switch to specific stack!
It start while I am developing the game engine, then I wanted it to be a seperated library that every body can use its advantages!

PlayFull Media player

A media player for every movies lover, and as I like to say it :
It doesn't just play your movie it makes you even closer to it
Some functionalities :
Note your media: you can note any movie audio or image so to keep it in mind.
Save best moments: right click the time bar and save any moment you which.
Easy to use: the app kind of a little bit mysterious at the very begin but later on you will figure how much easy it is!

Void Game Engine

The JavaScript game engine for every one!
About to be finished...


Git Hub

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